I Am Beautiful

I am beautiful not only for my cells, my bones or my genes. 
I am beautiful not only for the colour of my hair or the texture of my skin.
I am beautiful not only for my height or whether I'm thick or thin. 
I am beautiful not only for my body odour or whether I'm dirty or clean. 
I'm beautiful not only for my age, whether I'm young, old, a parent or teen.

I am beautiful because of my strength and my soul. 
I am beautiful because of my perseverance and my goals. 
I am beautiful because of my ambition, my thoughts, and my dreams. 
I am beautiful for the humour that makes me beam. 
I am beautiful for the music that makes me hum, for the sports that make me sweat,
for the medals that I have won and for my failures and my regrets. 
I am beautiful for the ideas that sparkles my eyes, for standing for truth in the face of lies. 
I am beautiful in and out, including flaws, tears and doubt. 
I am beautiful in capital letters, underlined and bold. 
I am beautiful for my character, for myself as a whole.


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