
"I guess I just don't have any rezeki with that."

"That's not true. You have rezeki. Everyone has their own measure of rezeki. It just so happens that your rezeki was to not gain the thing you want. You can yearn something so much, you can work so hard and wait so patiently for it - and still not receive it. That's how things happen every now and then. Instead of saying that you didn't have any luck getting it, you could say that it was your luck to not get it.

Sometimes luck, or fortune - they don't necessarily mean good things. Sometimes quitting, or failing, or breaking up, or being rejected, is your luck. Sometimes your luck is some weird disguise that opens up a different, unforeseen avenue. You have been granted so much blessings in this life, and then when something doesn't go your way - you claim to have no luck? It may all seem hopeless at this moment, but there's so much possibilities out there. Fortune doesn't necessarily work according to your definitions. Not receiving something in the present may be a good fortune for the long run. Everyone has their own rezeki."


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